KanDDinsky 2023
Telling the domain story of the future with functional programming
Domain stories are great for understanding the domain and its requirements. However, on the way to functioning software, you still need to create models.
How can we turn the domain story into a model that reflects the domain, provides deep insights, is a joy to use and lasts a long time? You can use DDD to model close to the domain, but the resulting models are often brittle in the face of change.
Henning (representing domain storytelling) and Mike (representing functional programming) will show you (along with their buddy Barry the banker) how to combine domain storytelling with functional programming techniques - abstraction, algebra, combinator models - to develop pliable domain models that are ready for the demands of both the present and the future.
(Lecture in English)
Date & Place
05 October 2023 | 14:20 - 16:20
Berlin Marriott Hotel | Berlin