Intelligent construction site planning with traffic jam forecasts
TRIAS Traffic Roadworks Impact Assessment
TRIAS - Traffic Roadworks Impact Assessment - is a tool developed by WPS together with the PTV Group and the LSGB (Landesbetrieb Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer) for forecasting traffic and analysing the impact of construction measures.
Many cities in Germany and Europe are growing and densifying. At the same time, commuter traffic is increasing on the outskirts of urban centres. Construction measures at the expense of road capacity are becoming increasingly problematic, as capacities cannot scale linearly with the increase in traffic. This increases the requirements for intelligent traffic planning. However, existing software solutions for planning construction measures provide little or no information on the impact of the planned measures on traffic flow and road capacity during the construction period. This is where TRIAS comes in.
TRIAS simulates the effects of construction measures on the expected traffic situation and provides intuitively understandable decision-making aids for different planning variants. With the new software, traffic planners, coordinators and decision-makers can plan roadworks more intelligently and improve traffic flow.
The use of TRIAS software has a long-term, positive side effect: smarter planning effectively contributes to reducing CO2, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emissions in cities.