Coder, coach and consultant
Henning Schwentner
Henning Schwentner loves high-quality programming. He lives out this passion as a coder, coach and consultant at WPS - Workplace Solutions. There he helps teams to structure their grown monoliths or to set up new systems with a sustainable architecture right from the start. This often results in microservices or self-contained systems.
Henning is the author of "Domain Storytelling - A Collaborative Modelling Method" and the and translator of "Domain-Driven Design kompakt".
Accredited iSAQB trainer
- Why is everyone talking about DDD?
Henning Schwentner - Microservices Summit Blog - 12 March 2021 - More understanding for each other
Henning Schwentner, Heinz Züllighoven, Stefan Hofer - Developer Magazine - Special Vol. 24 - DDD - DDD: tactical design
Henning Schwentner - Developer Magazine - Special Vol. 24 - DDD - Collaborative modelling - How to communicate successfully with the technical experts
Stefan Hofer, Henning Schwentner, Heinz Züllighoven - JavaSPEKTRUM 02/2020, p. 8-13 - Design and architecture of digital objects
Prof Heinz Züllighoven, Joachim Nitschke, Dr Eugen Reiswich, Michael Kowalczyk, Henning Schwentner, Florian von Stosch - OBJEKTspektrum 02/2019 - Metaphor-oriented design of digitisation applications: The design process of digital objects and the connection to architecture using the example of the sounding table in Hamburg harbour
Michael Kowalczyk, Joachim Nitschke, Eugen Reiswich, Sebastian Saxe, Henning Schwentner, Heinz Züllighoven - JavaSPEKTRUM 4/2018, p. 2-7 - On the design of digital work objects: Planning shipping traffic in the port of Hamburg with the sounding table
Heinz Züllighoven, Joachim Nitschke, Eugen Reiswich, Michael Kowalczyk, Henning Schwentner - Mensch und Computer 2018 - Usability Professionals. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. and German UPA e.V., p. 177-188 - The 7 steps to software retrofit
Thomas Ronzon, Henning Schwentner, Veronika Kotrba, Ralph Miarka - Informatik Aktuell 14/02/2017 - Greetings from Indy
Thomas Ronzon, Henning Schwentner, Victoria Möller - iX Developer 01/2017 - Java 9: newer, better, more colourful?
Henning Schwentner - Java magazine, 6/2016 - Project Valhalla: Value Types in Java
Henning Schwentner - Heise Developer, 3/2016